Hi there! Welcome to The Design Blog! This is our small corner of the web. We love to share, that's just how we're wired. Here you'll find lots of really useful  info about how to get ahead in Design, Marketing and Business. We post at least once a week so check back to see what we've added. Enjoy!

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Have fun in your branding and marketing

No, we’re not joking! 91% of people globally prefer brands to be funny. But 95% of business leaders are worried about using humour in their brand’s […]

Brochure Design

Good brochure design can be essential for a business’s success. It is the primary way to visually communicate a company’s message and values, as well as […]

Brand name – where to start?

Your Audience When finding a name for your brand, first think about who you want to reach. 77% of customers prefer to purchase from brands that […]

Get More Website Traffic

Getting more website traffic can be a difficult task for any business looking to make the most out of their digital presence. Many customers have come […]

Creating a Brand Identity

Creating a brand identity is one of the essential first steps in establishing a business. Getting it right from the start is far easier than having […]

Illustration for Business

Illustration for business is a powerful tool to make your content more visually engaging and memorable. Whether you need illustrations for advertisements, web design, presentations, or […]

Building trust in your brand

Building trust in your brand is essential for success in any business. It can be the difference between customers choosing your product or service over a […]

What Does a Graphic Designer Do?

Have you ever seen an eye-catching logo or website design and wondered who was behind it? Chances are, the answer is a graphic designer. But what […]

Google Analytics – Do you need them?

Google Analytics is a powerful website analytics tool created by Google to help businesses make the most of their online presence. It provides detailed insights into […]

Why Design Websites for Mobile?

The rise of mobile web usage merits the importance of designing websites for mobile use. Mobile devices have become a major source of internet access, and […]