Gaining Instagram followers for your business can be a daunting task, especially if you are just starting out. It is essential to understand the importance of having an active and engaged following on your business’ Instagram account, as it can help promote your brand and even bring in more customers.
However, successfully growing an Instagram following isn’t easy – it requires careful planning, dedication, and a bit of luck. Many businesses mistakenly think that all they need to do is post photos or videos every day and their follower count will increase. Unfortunately, if that was true everyone would have an impressive number of followers!
The reality is that gaining organic followers on Instagram requires a combination of strategies that work together to create a steady growth in followers over time. Here we discuss some of the tactics that can help you gain more instagram followers for your business:
Make sure that you have optimised your profile with relevant keywords and a clear description of what your business is about (include contact information). This will make it easier for potential new followers to find you when they search instagram using particular terms. Your profile should also include information such as your website URL and any other social media accounts you might have.
It’s important to post content regularly in order for people to see what you are doing and why they should follow your account. Posting quality content consistently will not only keep current followers engaged but also attract new ones who stumble across it or see it shared from others in their network. Quality content could include interesting photographs or videos related to your business as well as helpful tips, advice or stories about how customers are using your product or service.
User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful way to engage existing customers while at the same time attracting new ones by providing them with real life examples of how others are using/benefiting from your product/service. Encourage users to tag your instagram account in posts they share on other forms of social media such as Twitter or Facebook so more people can find them easily. You could also consider creating a hashtag campaign where users can share photos/videos featuring products/services associated with the hashtag – this will help spread awareness quickly through people’s networks while ensuring only relevant images appear under the hashtag itself which makes them easier to find.
Paid advertising on instagram allows you to target specific audiences with ads tailored directly towards them based on factors such as age, location, interests etc.. This means that instead of relying solely on organic growth, paid advertising helps get more eyes on content faster than before and increases the chances of gaining new instagram followers for your business quickly (as long as the ads themselves are well made).
Influencer marketing involves leveraging influencers within a certain niche who have built up an impressive following over time due to their knowledge/expertise in the topic area they cover – ideally this would relate somehow back to products/services associated with yourself otherwise there won’t be much point partnering up with them in terms of increasing instagram followers for business purposes! You could consider offering incentives like free samples or discounts in exchange for them helping promote something related to yourself; this way both parties benefit from increased exposure & reach respectively!
Engaging with other instagram accounts is another great way not only for networking purposes but also for attracting attention from potential new instagram followers for business reasons – when done correctly this can lead to great results such as increased brand recognition & customer loyalty! Try commenting thoughtful replies or sharing posts from other accounts related somehow back towards yourself – just make sure not let spammy behaviour take over otherwise this tactic may end up having negative consequences instead!
It’s important not only track progress but also analyse results – this includes looking at data like follower counts & engagement rates over time so necessary adjustments can be made if needed depending upon performance metrics like these (if no improvement has been seen then likely something needs changing here). Additionally try seeing where most visitors come from so targeting efforts towards those particular sources become easier; use tools like Google Analytics here if needed too since they offer detailed insights into user behaviour which can further help hone strategies accordingly!
Following these steps will not guarantee success overnight but over time hopefully instagram followers for business purposes will increase gradually – stick at it & remember consistency is key too when trying grow any form of online presence today! Increasing your Instagram Followers should form part of your Digital Marketing strategy!
Good luck, if we can be of help please reach out to the Droll Team 🙂